tree bark mask
Mask inspired by bark found on trees near my home. The textures on the mask are created through needle felting and embroidery.
The mask was sculpted around wire, and covered with embellished felt. It was then embroidered with detail.
Embroidered using organic cotton yarn, sourced within Ireland. Synthetic felt was used for the masks base.
Many pieces and samples I have developed hold a strong focus on embroidery. From hand to machine embroidery, different variations can be seen across all my work.
Tartan sample developed through push and pull embroidery technique. Each thread was pulled from the fabric, dyed and sewn back in. The colour palette was inspired by family and personal connections.
Rug plan inspired by the works of Sybil Connolly and Irish textiles. Made using synthetic net and wooden latch tool. Yarns used in this 'Fringing Rug' include DK lilac acrylic yarn, white baby-friendly yarn, fuchsia DK acrylic and a light-weight navy acrylic yarn. All yarns used were sourced within Ireland.
Weave inspired by the works of Sybil Connolly and Irish textiles. Made on a wooden hand-loom. Developed using a darning needle and acrylic DK yarn. The warp is a cream, organic cotton yarn. All yarns used sourced within Ireland.